Sunday, December 12, 2010

December 11th Night Game and Stories

as i said in my last post, me and my friends had a night game scheduled for the 11th and a day game scheduled for today (the 12th). we ended up not playing today due to some extreme wind bringing in a cold front here in fayetteville but last night we played a very good capture game. heres what the course we played on looks like:

its a very open course but its a very good night course. we played a capture game, where one team defends the shed and the other has to take it, which lasted about almost an hour. it was a 3 on 2 game (3 person team [defending team] has 2 lives each with a respawn before they are out of the game, 2 person team [attacking team] has unlimited lives with a respawn point) with me and jackson vs preston, my friend ray, and prestons roommate patrick. i was using my G&G UMP and jackson was using his G&G blowback m4. preston was using his socom gear M14, patrick was using jacksons Dboys M4 s system, and ray was using my A&K SVD Dragunov and jacksons Dboys T3. preston, patrick, and ray started up at the shed and me jackson down at the burn pile.

The Game
it started out with us just kinda running at each other. me and jack moved to the tree line at the bottom of the horse pens while ray and patrick were at the adjacent one by the trailer and made contact with each other. preston left the shed and moved all the way down tree line to the bottom of the course and eventually ended up at the horse pen. after about 20 minutes of sneaking and shooting, me and jackson ended up at the on the side of the family business hiding behind the trashcans right under a really bright light. we were gonna go take the shed but ray was over there somewhere but we didn't know where so we moved back to the tree line. after another 10 minutes of listening and waiting we moved to the single horse pen and waited. little did we know, preston was also there listening to everything we were saying. he didn't call one us out, cause we were way too close to shoot, because it would give away his position and the other one of us would get him out and he had already been shot out once and he would then be out for good. we knew he was going to be there we just didn't know when. i moved up to some more horse pens on the left side of the course (not on the map) and posted up. i heard talking coming from where i was and told jackson to watch that direction and be ready to shoot, but he was too distracted by patrick up a the family business wall. i kept telling him over and over again to look that way and when he finally decided to look he got shot by ray who i then shot. we waited for a while somewhat stuck where we were and decided to move to the tree line at the bottom of the horse pens. so we 1... 2... 3... and booked it too the tree line where we got shot at and dropped to the ground. we waited for a minute and decided to 1... 2... 3... book it again and get away from that area. so we get up and run. jackson stops at the end of the tree line and i keep going, running right into him, and yell "keep going!" so i book it to the tree line ont the far right side of the course as im getting shot at by ray and preston. jackson decides to take a risk and go for the shed so he takes off for the shed and holds it, winning the game.

we took a short break and went back outside to play a rescue game but the wind had picked up so much that it almost blew me over and it was a chilling 10 degrees outside so we called the game after the first 5 minutes of starting it and called it a night.

not a whole lot of playing, but we got in a good hour long game that was intense and challenging. we plan on playing a few day games throughout the break so ill keep up with posts and telling some good stories. im thinking i might do a review here soon so keep on reading!

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