Saturday, December 25, 2010

New Gun!!! Echo 1 M28 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle Review

its here!!! christmas is here and so is my new echo 1 m28 sniper rifle!!! im really wanting to do a review over it but im not gonna do that gay unboxing crap because i hate it. so here it is!!!

First Impressions

when i pulled everything out of the box i was surprised at how sturdy everything was. the stock piece is a very good feeling plastic and textured really well. the upper part of the gun is pretty average weight for a sniper but once i put it together it was pretty heavy, about as heavy as my well l96. its pretty easy to put together, the screws are kinda confusing, knowing which one to put where, but other than that its pretty easy.  

other than the gun, it comes with a barrel extension adapter (that i put on), the orange tip (that i took off), a harris style bipod, 2 mags, a speed loader, a barrel cleaner, and the screws and the right size hex wrench. 


extendable stock. this is a pretty awesome stock. i love it. its easy to use and easy to adjust.

harris style bipod. this was really confusing for me. ill explain later. its pretty nice though and works well for sturdy shooting. and the legs pop out with a button which is pretty handy.

2 mags. the mags are pretty cheap but they will do. they hold about 20ish each and slide in really easy. it is really nice that echo 1 included an extra mag, i wish well would have done the same for my l96.

barrel extension adapter. i plan on putting a silencer on sometime in the future. i put this on just so the orange tip wouldnt be on. ill only use it for going to events while its in the car. but it goes on nice and easy and the orange tip comes off fairly easy. just give it a nice hard twist and itll screw right off.

fluted barrel. this makes it look pretty freaking awesome. thats really all its for, and to make the gun lighter.

speed loader.

orange tip and tools. that screw in there ill talk about later.

the scope didnt come with the gun, i had an extra one from an old gun i use for extra parts.


this gun shoots great!!! right after i put it together i put some .25s in the speedloader and went to test it out. today is spitting snow and is really windy but it still shot hard and fairly accurate in the extreme wind, alot better than i thought it was going to. GI chronod  this gun in at 530 to 550 fps and you can tell its shooting that. at about 100 feet, when the wind died down for a bit, i attempted to scope it in and was hitting dead accurate, about a 1 inch spread no joke. the action is pretty smooth. the bolt is hard to pull back at times and its starts to hurt hand after a while but its pretty nice. 

i love the sound of the action too. it just sounds awesome. when its nicer outside im definitely gonna do a shoot session to scope it in better.


the front of the gun stock has 2 pins for mounting the bipod and a sling but there is not enough room for the bipod. but i solved the problem. there is a pin already in the stock piece that you can take out, so take it out. then put the pin that screws into the barrel in that holds it to the body. then put on the bipod. i had a hard time getting it on because ive never used one of the types of bipods before but its pretty easy once you get it.

Conclusion (for now)

awesome gun! definitely shoots great and feels amazing. action is smooth but can be hard and can hurt your hand after a while. the bipod is awesome just a little confusing. mags are cheap, oh well, theyll work. barrel adapter is great, i plan on putting on a silencer soon.

over all a 5 out of 5 stars so far. i still have alot to test so ill be back to talk about the gun more.

Friday, December 17, 2010

New Gun For Christmas!!!

Christmas is almost here and i had no idea what i wanted for christmas from my sister. after searching for a while i decided i wanted something airsoft related so i hit up airsoftgi to check out what they had that was new there. i decided i wanted this cool jacket that they had for airsoft and everyday use. but then i decided i didnt want a jacket. so i found what i wanted, the echo 1 m28 bolt action sniper rifle. its a slick gun thats a replica of the remington 700. this is all i know about it so far.

  • shoots 530-550 fps out of the box
  • comes with gun, nice bipod, barel extension adapter, 2 mags, and a speed loader
  • has amazing inner barel spacers for precise and consistant shooting
  • bolt action of course  
for the amazing gun that it is its only $175, same as the javelin gun works m24. they both look the same but  the echo 1 is way nicer and better out of the box. so christmas day ill have a review up here and on youtube.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

December 11th Night Game and Stories

as i said in my last post, me and my friends had a night game scheduled for the 11th and a day game scheduled for today (the 12th). we ended up not playing today due to some extreme wind bringing in a cold front here in fayetteville but last night we played a very good capture game. heres what the course we played on looks like:

its a very open course but its a very good night course. we played a capture game, where one team defends the shed and the other has to take it, which lasted about almost an hour. it was a 3 on 2 game (3 person team [defending team] has 2 lives each with a respawn before they are out of the game, 2 person team [attacking team] has unlimited lives with a respawn point) with me and jackson vs preston, my friend ray, and prestons roommate patrick. i was using my G&G UMP and jackson was using his G&G blowback m4. preston was using his socom gear M14, patrick was using jacksons Dboys M4 s system, and ray was using my A&K SVD Dragunov and jacksons Dboys T3. preston, patrick, and ray started up at the shed and me jackson down at the burn pile.

The Game
it started out with us just kinda running at each other. me and jack moved to the tree line at the bottom of the horse pens while ray and patrick were at the adjacent one by the trailer and made contact with each other. preston left the shed and moved all the way down tree line to the bottom of the course and eventually ended up at the horse pen. after about 20 minutes of sneaking and shooting, me and jackson ended up at the on the side of the family business hiding behind the trashcans right under a really bright light. we were gonna go take the shed but ray was over there somewhere but we didn't know where so we moved back to the tree line. after another 10 minutes of listening and waiting we moved to the single horse pen and waited. little did we know, preston was also there listening to everything we were saying. he didn't call one us out, cause we were way too close to shoot, because it would give away his position and the other one of us would get him out and he had already been shot out once and he would then be out for good. we knew he was going to be there we just didn't know when. i moved up to some more horse pens on the left side of the course (not on the map) and posted up. i heard talking coming from where i was and told jackson to watch that direction and be ready to shoot, but he was too distracted by patrick up a the family business wall. i kept telling him over and over again to look that way and when he finally decided to look he got shot by ray who i then shot. we waited for a while somewhat stuck where we were and decided to move to the tree line at the bottom of the horse pens. so we 1... 2... 3... and booked it too the tree line where we got shot at and dropped to the ground. we waited for a minute and decided to 1... 2... 3... book it again and get away from that area. so we get up and run. jackson stops at the end of the tree line and i keep going, running right into him, and yell "keep going!" so i book it to the tree line ont the far right side of the course as im getting shot at by ray and preston. jackson decides to take a risk and go for the shed so he takes off for the shed and holds it, winning the game.

we took a short break and went back outside to play a rescue game but the wind had picked up so much that it almost blew me over and it was a chilling 10 degrees outside so we called the game after the first 5 minutes of starting it and called it a night.

not a whole lot of playing, but we got in a good hour long game that was intense and challenging. we plan on playing a few day games throughout the break so ill keep up with posts and telling some good stories. im thinking i might do a review here soon so keep on reading!

Friday, December 10, 2010

First Post: the world of airsoft and game tomorrow!

me and my friends, when we were about in 6th or 7th grade, got into the world of airsoft. we joined because we liked paintball at the time but couldnt afford to play all the time because its dang expensive. so we switched to airsoft which was cheaper, at least we thought so at first. we started off buying cheap walmart guns and double eagle guns that would break after about maybe a month. we played every weekend for about 2 straight years. once we started we loved it! every weekend we would all get together on the weekends and gear up in our horrible homemade camo and cheap vest from walmart that we spray painted and play for hours and hours, without taking a single break. it was our life in middle school and junior high. then we discovered that there was way more to airsoft than we thought and we (at the time we thought we were the airsoft kings and experts) began to explore even farther into airsoft. now that we are in college and we have jobs, well most of us, we now spend about $250+ on guns instead of about $30 to $40. it gets expensive as you continue to play, but boy its fun and its realistic. we love airsoft way more than we ever loved paintball now. heres a few reasons why we think airsoft is more fun than paintball.

1. paintball is about twice as expensive as airsoft. yes, airsoft itself can become very expensive as well, but the only thing your spending alot of money on is the gun and upgrades for it. 4000 high grade bbs are about $13 to $20 and will last you quite a while, while 500 high grade paintballs are about $65 to $100 and over and will last you a few games at most. paintball guns are just as expensive as airsoft especially when you start buying upgrades. it also cost money to go play paintball at a course while with airsoft you can play anywhere want, within reason. with airsoft, you can have as much or more fun playing than paintball and not spend as much money.

2. airsoft has classes of weapons that actually shoot differently. paintball claims they have "classes" of guns but in reality all of said "classes" shoot the same. airsoft on the other hand has actual classes of guns and they shoot different according to their class. there are submachine guns that shoot at lower a lower fps, usually 300 to 350 fps, and dont shoot as far for closer combat, about 30 to 50 feet. then there are machine guns that shoot at a higher fps, usually 350 to 400+ fps, and shoot at distances of about 50 to 100+ feet. there are even light machine guns that have very high capacity magazines and can shoot hard and far for cover. then there are snipers that shoot at a very hight fps, usually 450 to 500+ fps, and shoot at distances in which other guns cant reach, 100 to 150+ feet.

3. airsoft is more realistic. paintball uses hoppers that sit on top of the gun and hold the paint as its being shot while airsoft uses actual magazines so you can reload in action or carry multiple on you. reloading in airsoft is easy and fast while paintball takes time and can be quite frustrating. also, airsoft attire is more realistic as well. you wear camo and realistic tactical vests to carry mags and bbs with you.

there are many more reasons why we love airsoft but these are the main ones that compare to paintball. now to my teammates and their gear and weapons they use.

jp (me)
woodland digital camo
olive green tactical vest
olive green shemagh (for face/neck protection)
Jing Gong M4 (upgraded) with red dot, verticle grip, extra mags
G&G UMG (stock) with red dot, mock suppressor, 3 point sling
WELL L96 sniper rifle (stock) with ghillie, scope
A&K SVD dragunov sniper rifle (upgraded) with scope

woodland digital camo
olive green tactical vest
Dboys M4 (upgraded) with red dot, grenade launcher, mock suppressor, extra mags
Dboys M16 A2 (stock) with scope, mock suppressor, extra mags
WELL SR22 sniper rifle (stock) with scope
Airsoft GI Dessert G4-A2 with blowback (stock) with holographic sight, flashlight vertical grip, extra mags
Dboys T3 SAS (stock)

woodland camo
olive green tactical vest
olive green shemagh (for face/neck protection)
Dboys Classic M14 (stock) with scope, extra mag

we have a game scheduled for tomorrow on our course. we will play a night game on saturday night and a day game on sunday. our night course consists of and open field, horse pens, my familys business building, and a gravel parking lot with tree lines and a shed. our day course is a woods course with a north and south side base, a base in the middle (we call it the "green elephant"), many trails, barrels, pallets, natural bases and bunkers, a field, rows of cyprus trees, and the highway (a straight stretch that goes from one side of the course to the other). i cant wait to play and get back into the game. i will continue to blog about our games, guns, do reviews, and tell stories throughout our airsoft career.